Sunday, June 24, 2012

Another blogging blanking time

Yet again, has been a while since I last tapped anything on my keyboard, so what's been happening? (if I can remember that is), in no particular order.

My lot finished 3rd in the Prem, keeping our rightful place (just) above the enemy :-)

My daughter made us grandparents again, this time a baby girl, a few weeks ago. Lovely little thing she is, but then I would say that wouldn't I?

F1 looking interesting, with all these different winners, but gutted today with Maldonado (the latest mobile chicane) battering Hamilton off in the last lap or so. Maybe Hamilton's tyres were shot, but I think a podium was on. Now, IF Maldonado is put before the stewards, and whatever happens, you can't give a podium back.

Started my barbel season off quite well. One fish on my first trip, and three on Friday, is a stunning start for me by any accounts. Four fish from a venue that I caught just eight from in the whole of last season (albeit only two in the whole of the season before) so it's looking good for an improvement. I don't do targets, and as I said to my good mate Biggun, "do I care?" (who's caught more between us) "Nah", and as he replied "neither of us do". Tis so true. If my fishing mate DaveC can fish with me this week, it'll make the season sof far all the better, as I haven't seen him since September due to his injuries.

The ABF's first "Meet the Experts" evening went well, we all enjoyed it especially "the experts" and the next one should be better if we build on this - I'm sure we will. Lots of fish-ins coming up, all bode well for the  future.

Looking forward to the Olympics, but as long as "we" are not held to ransome by certain workers. I'm a handyman and decorator and I wonder if I will get a bonus of £500 just for doing MY job? Nah, I doubt it too.

I love the TT. I recorded about 12 programmes on my PVR and sat down one day to start watching and all, plus 24 other recordings, had disappeared. Looking at the hard-drive useage I could see all were still there, som 35GB of them, but the damn index had gone, so I couldn't watch any. So managed to see a couple of review TT programmes on i-Player, but that was all. Never mind, as I said at the time (well not exactly at the time co's the air was a bit blue) it's not life or death, they were only TV programmes.

Laid 4 real-wood floors and 3 ceramic tiled floors last week, with a pal, in 5.5 days. Getting too old for this, my knees are already knackered, and my dicky back is not happy either.

Looking forward NOT to Wimbledon, 2 weeks of tennis every day on our TV. Cannot see what people like about it, but then they don't fish do they?

Euro-2012 Football? Cannot get interested at all. But I see that Alastair Brownlee came back from his injuries and beat his brother Johnny in the latest international Triathlon. I know predictions are dangerous, but who'd bet against these two getting gold and silver at the olympics?

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