Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A pleasant evening session on the river

I fished last night, a very pleasant session from 8.30 until just before 11. Local'ish water that I first fished in the  early 70s and for 20 years or so, just rejoined.

I was sitting low - my chair is much modified for sloping banks I usually fish from, but here on flat banks I had to leave the legs folded under and was almost on the ground, just as well it was dry. Nothing much scares me at night whilst fishing, animal-wise, but something put the bejeezus up me at about 10.30. Too late for a dog, it was definitely four-legged and it ran towards me along the path and then crashed into the undergrowth, uttering a single high-pitched gruntly scream (for want of a better phrase to describe it). I bl##dy well shook for a few moments. One guy didn't hear it but he reckoned it could have been a mink? I've seen mink many times but never heard them, but something tells me it was NOT a mink.

Taking to my good friend Monty earlier, he what's an oracle of things furry, reckoned a Muntjac. He could well be right, I know they "bark" but just read that they do "scream" when alarmed. It certainly must have been scared too when it saw me.

Anyway, a very pleasant evening. Catch fish? well, as I always say "catching fish is a bonus to a good day/evening out" and I didn't need the bonus last night. Enjoyed it. Enjoyed the antics of the bats, not avoiding my line very well - I think they were playing a game.


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